Researchers at King’s College London have achieved substantial innovation in the field of biosensing with the concept of sensing by lasing.
The researchers at King’s College London have constructed a bio-compatible random laser made out of materials such as silk with a disordered nanostructure that can be used as a novel generation biosensor. This concept of sensing by lasing is a novel innovation in the field of biosensing. It will have applications in areas such as in vivo sensing of biological activity. In a random system, the disordered matrix folds the optical paths inside the medium by multiple scattering, while optical gain provides the amplification that triggers lasing. The working principle of random lasing is the same as conventional lasing but without the need for carefully aligned optical element. The result is an opaque medium in which laser light is generated by flowing and scattering through it. Emission occurs in all direction at specific light wavelengths that can be controlled by designing the disordered medium.
Technical status:
A proof of principle prototype has been built and tested
IP status:
Priority UK patent application has been filed
Commercial status:
Industry partners are being sought for developing the technology further