Search Results - frederic+festy

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Method to identify bioburden in a root canal following preparation
The ProblemBacteria remaining in the root canal (RC) space at the time of completion of a root canal treatment (RCT) can lead to a persistent or secondary infection, which requires revision of the treatment. Currently, there are no methods in widespread use to detect bacterial presence within the root canal space in a fast and reliable manner. Such...
Published: 11/22/2016   |   Updated: 8/5/2014   |   Inventor(s): Federico Foschi, Timothy Watson, Frederic Festy, Richard Cook, Garrit Koller, Francesco Mannocci
Category(s): Medical devices, Diagnostics
Optical endoscope for vascular imaging and concurrent oximetry instrument for non surgical tissue vascular assessment.
TechnologyA clinic based optical instrument that allows a doctor to examine the blood supply to a particular tissue, without need for surgical biopsy. Based on multiple wavelength analysis of light reflected by sub-cutaneous fatty layers, this instrument will allow high-resolution video-rate mapping of capillary blood flow and oxygen carriage from the...
Published: 11/22/2016   |   Updated: 5/8/2014   |   Inventor(s): Richard Cook, Timothy Watson, Frederic Festy
Category(s): Medical devices
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